Last month, Expansion International held the 5thAnnual High School Student Scholarship Conference in Kenya, Africa. It was an exciting time of worship, teaching, and games. Along with members of Expansion International, 11 students and 2 teachers from Cole Valley High School were able to attend and participate in this year’s conference, making it quite a memorable experience.
Both the U.S. and Kenyan students had time to connect and engage with one another as well as share their own personal testimonies. Guest speakers at the conference taught on stress management, relationships, health and sexuality, how to live a holy life, and how to excel in academics. An evangelistic team was also brought in to share the Word of God and minister to the young people. Many responded to the altar call to receive prayer and some students even committed their life to Christ during the ministry time. This year’s theme was taken from Deuteronomy 1:6-7 stating, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance.” It challenged the Kenyan and U.S. students alike to break out of their comfort zones and move into what the Lord has prepared for them. One of the Kenyan students had this to say, “I have attended this year’s conference and I tell you that I have learned a lot. The speakers were wonderful and insightful. I enjoyed being with other students of my age, especially the students from the USA.”
We are excited to report that over 116 Kenyan students were able to attend this year and many of those who attended were new to the program and came for the very first time. When the conference was finished, many students stated that they were greatly encouraged and only wished they were able to attend this type of conference more frequently throughout the year.
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